Free Car Insurance Quotes

Cars are expensive. First, there’s the cost to buy or lease a practical vehicle. Then there’s the exorbitant expense of fuel – some SUVs require $100 for fill-up these days! On top of all that, you have to worry about oil changes, car washes, and general maintenance. And we haven’t even talked about car insurance yet!

You see, at Correll Insurance Group we understand that budgets are tight, the economy is rocky, and you don’t want to pay more than needed for auto insurance. That’s why we’re here to help with auto insurance quotes and helpful car insurance comparisons. We have relationships with most of the nation’s best car insurance companies, which means you have access to MORE choices and BETTER car insurance rates. You no longer have to shop around, because we do all the shopping for you.

Protect your investment

Because cars are expensive, auto insurance is more important than ever before. Consider the following:

  • Lawsuits are on the rise, and for catastrophic accidents, damages often reach $1 million or more. Unfortunately, most auto insurance policies’ limits are less than $1 million, putting the at-fault driver’s assets at risk. This is of grave concern for families with teenage, elderly, or recently licensed drivers who may be more prone to accidents. If your teenage driver inadvertently causes a fatal accident and you don’t have the proper auto insurance policy, you could lose all the assets you’ve worked so hard to accumulate.
  • Teenage drivers can be expensive to insure because the probability of accident is so much higher than that of the general population. If you’re insuring a teenage driver, it’s important to know your choices and the safe driver incentives and multi-line discounts available to help offset the added expense of auto insurance for teen drivers.
  • Loans on new cars can often be more than the vehicle’s depreciated value. If a new car is totaled, this can create a gap in the insurance company settlement and the loan value, leaving the car owner to make up the difference. If you don’t have a lot of equity in your vehicle, an insurance expert can help you explore the pros and cons of gap car insurance.
  • Some vehicles, such as antique vehicles or those used for farming or commercial purposes, may not be fully protected by standard auto insurance policies. An insurance expert can help you identify coverage gaps before it’s too late.

These are three examples of why it’s important to utilize the free guidance of a local auto insurance expert. Conversely, when you buy over the Internet, you rely on your own knowledge to determine the coverage types and limits. And since your expertise probably lies in areas other than car insurance, doing it yourself could be risky. Furthermore, when you buy from a “branded” agency, your agent is only paid to sell you that one brand of coverage. He isn’t paid to tell you that it might not represent the most competitive rate or the best comprehensive protection for your unique situation.

Correll Insurance Group is a Trusted Choice® independent agency, so you can count on us to give you an objective assessment of your driving-related risks and auto insurance options.

Correll Insurance Group offers competitive car, homeowners insurance, and business insurance quotes for all of the Carolinas. Find a location near you, or just call any of our offices for a free no-obligation quote for your auto, home, or business insurance.

What to Do if You’re in a Car Accident

Driving is one of the riskiest things we do every day. If you’re ever in a car accident, remember to follow these steps to minimize the damages:

Stop: Even if there may be no damage, or if you’re concerned that you are at fault, stop. It’s important to document the incident so the facts are not distorted later.

Remain calm: Do not argue with the other driver and do not admit fault. Even if the other driver is threatening you, stay in your car and call for help. If the police arrive, tell your story clearly and calmly and stick to the facts.

Respond to any emergencies: If someone is hurt, call 9-1-1, flag down help, and help the victim if you’re able.

Be aware of your surroundings: If you’re in a thoroughfare, be aware of oncoming traffic. Move off the road if possible, turn on your hazard lights, and use a flare or cone to alert other drivers.

Take pictures: It’s a good idea to take pictures of the scene, including shots of your car, the other car, and any damages, so you can share them with your auto insurance adjuster. Use the camera in your cell phone if needed.

Write down contact info: Get the other driver’s name, contact information, license plate number, car make and model, and insurance information. Do the same for any witnesses.

Document any injuries: If you’ve been hurt at all, seek medical treatment right away. It’s important that you establish medical documentation of your injury. Proactive treatment may also help minimize future issues.

Report your claim: Regardless of fault, call us and let us know what happened. We’ll guide you through the steps to take and, if needed, will help you file your car insurance claim.

Want to learn more? Contact us today for an affordable auto insurance quote. Ask about our homeowners insurance too!